Wednesday, July 13, 2005

mehlman attempts to defend rove

This video from Crooks and Liars would be hilarious if we knew that everyone watching knew the truth behind his words. He contradicts himself, he endlessly repeats provenly false repug talking points, he tries to smear Wilson by lying about him, and he tries to smear Dems for asking that justice prevail and that bush keep his word and fire the person who outted an undercover CIA agent!
I'm not naive enough to believe that justice really will be done in this case (though i can pray!), but hopefully some more people will realize that this administration is filled with liars who care nothing for this nation's security.
See Talking Points Memo for Wilson's actual quote on who sent him to Niger. Obviously, the "big lie" that the repugs are touting (that Wilson said that Cheney sent him on the trip) is not a lie because it is not what Wilson said! Par for the course for these scumbags!