Wednesday, July 06, 2005

ever more on the "liberal media"

Wash. Post on Karl Rove, barely

Then, WP, you put this in the story:

At a lunch meeting yesterday with Washington Post reporters and editors, Rove declined to answer questions about the Plame case.

Then what the hell did you talk about? How smart he is? At least could you tell us how he declined? Did he say: my lawyer won't let me talk about this? Or did he just say I won't talk about it, and a whole room of Washington Post reporters and editors just said, okay.

Think about this. Despite this growing controversy, Rove has so much confidence in his ability to dupe the press, that he went right in to the Washington Post without any qualms or concerns. He really does view the media as patsies.

There's more, but this is really insane. The media just refuses to say anything bad about this administration at all, don't they? Whatever happened to investigative reporters? Guess that went out with the "liberal media"!