Friday, June 24, 2005

conservatives show why blacks vote Dem!

Jesse Lee Sambo strikes again

However, I want to draw your attention to Jesse Lee Sambo's "speech" to his betters, er College Republicans.

Sometimes it's hard to maintain your sense of humor.

Thus, here are some highlights from Rev. Jesse Lee Petersen's speech. (He is the head of BOND: Brotherhood Organization of New Destiny, and he is basically Jesse Jackson's sworn enemy.)-

"I am an American, not an African-American."

- The Civil Rights movement destroyed black people's sense of self-respect and their compass for what's right.

- The Civil Rights Movement took the men out of their homes and prevented black people from thinking for themselves.

- It is not racism but lack of moral character that causes problems for black people.

- The black leadership succeeds by keeping black folks angry.

- Now Muslim folks are moving in and trying to take over.

- "I don't care what people say, but (Muslim people) don't like us!"

- America has already given black people all it has to give.

- On reparations, he emphasizes the fact that all the slaves are dead.

- On those who want reparations, he says, "Instead of reparations, how 'bout a free ticket back to Africa?" (Raucous laughter.)

- "The Democratic battle is ordained by the devil."

- "It's not white vs. black, it's good vs. evil."

- "White folks need to get over their fear of being called a racist."

Eric Holpin, current chairman of the CRNC, was grinning the entire time during Rev. Petersen's speech. They welcome this man into their midst, and they give him a standing ovation.

And conservatives still wonder why black people vote Democratic?

all i can say is - wow!