Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Lots more on Gannon

From Americablog:
Great Philly Daily News commentary on GannonGuckert

Just last week, a Freedom of Information Act search requested by two members of Congress revealed that Gannon/Guckert visited the White House 196 times - 39 of them days when there were no press briefings. While liberal blogs made much of the news, a Nexis search found that the Associated Press gave it only three paragraphs, which were picked up by only two newspapers nationwide. CNN mentioned the story only to say that the blogs had it. On MSNBC's "Countdown," Washington Post reporter Dana Milbank offered excuses for the 14 times that Gannon/Guckert's entries or exits weren't recorded by White House security and host Keith Olbermann seemed apologetic for bringing it up.

If reporters aren't worried about imposter journalists, at least they should smell a good story in a possible White House security breach.

Jeff Gannon, Secret Agent Man

Oh, he just keeps giving and giving and giving.In case you didn't know, Vanity Fair is doing a big expose on GannonGuckert in the issue coming out in NYC on Wednesday, and nationwide the following week. Steve Clemons got an excerpt, including this little ditty.

He volunteers that his story is more complex than described, involving secret work for which he needed security clearance, although he refuses to elaborate: "My history isn't exactly linear."

Well, if a gay male hooker in default on $20,000 in debt got a security clearance, then some agencies in Washington have got some explaining to do.

Though, I don't believe a word he says.

For the record, I never hit on the JeffJames GannonGuckert

Gag me. More from the upcoming Vanity Fair profile.

More Gannon fodderAlleged gay escort Jeff Gannon (né James Dale Guckert) has been taken a lot of heat passing himself off as a White House reporter. But there has been an upside.

Gannon says that some of his harshest critics - "radical gay activists" - have actually come on to him.

His detractors shed their convictions "like a sweater on a hot day," Gannon says in the new issue of Vanity Fair.

The born-again Gannon refused to talk about his sexuality with reporters David Margolick and Richard Gooding but says, "Did I know sin before I knew salvation? You bet! But my life was heading in the right direction. What's interesting about this is now I'm being punished for things I left behind."

And for the record, Jeff, if you left hooking behind, then why were a number of your escort profiles LIVE up until weeks after I reported on them?

And since you deny everything we've ever accused you of, what exactly was there for you to leave behind (no pun intended)? Also, who then put up your gay male prostitution domain name for sale for $7500 a few months ago - obviously not you, since you left that life of sin behind, so who was trying to profit off of gay male pornography?

Damn that "liberal media" for their hard-hitting exposes on this boggling story! It truly is incredible just how ignored this story has been! Just goes to show how firmly the media is under the conservative's collective thumbs.