Tuesday, February 22, 2005

bush's "clear skies"

From clean air to clear skies

The Bush administration wants to reform the Clean Air Act and give it a new name: Clear Skies. The new name is less precise than the old and prettier to behold. But it's accurate. It gives polluters clear sailing.
Here's what's being cleared up by the proposed revision: Polluters will have an easier time polluting as deadlines to comply with stricter pollution standards will be relaxed, extended or scrapped altogether. Pollutants that will have clearer sailing include nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide and mercury. Nitrogen oxide, which produces smog, can damage foliage, decrease crop yield and, in humans, cause chronic lung disease. Sulfur dioxide is the chief toxic ingredient of acid rain.
Clear Skies encourages voluntary compliance with some standards the Clean Air Act made mandatory. States will have fewer rights to set their own air-quality standards -- and polluters will get to shop around for the weakest standard when they're trading so-called pollution credits.

We know that bush could care less about our environment. Guess he's hoping that he'll be dead before it gets too bad!