Monday, January 31, 2005

more Iraqi election thoughts

OK, blogspot lost my first post regarding this, so I hope that I can do this again.

It looks like the Iraqi elections have turned out better than expected. Of course there were something like 44 people killed and hundreds wounded. Amazing that we find that a positive conclusion! Obviously this is a first step and a first election in a series, but we at least we didn’t screw this up as badly as we had anticipated.
That said, it is hard to believe that the Dems are continuing to be reviled for continuing to ask for an exit strategy. An exit strategy is not an admission of defeat – it is a PLAN, something that we apparently have not had since the start of this war.
Obviously, we cannot leave the Iraqis on their own after destroying their country, but we need to start making plans and creating goals to accomplish that will lead to us bringing home our troops. This will not “aid the insurgents” but it will help the morale of our troops, as well as the Iraqi people who see us as occupiers.
Of course, since these ideas are coming from the Dems and since it involves common sense, it will probably be ignored. Common sense has had nothing to do with this military action since the start!
But again, a salute to the extremely brave Iraqi people who are risking their lives for something that they believe in! I only wish that we could have accomplished this without murdering thousands of them and destroying their homes and cities.