Monday, January 10, 2005

lighten up people!

From AOLnews :

Mississippi County Libraries Ban Jon Stewart Book

GULFPORT, Miss. (Jan. 9) - Library officials in two southern Mississippi counties have banned Jon Stewart's best-selling "America (The Book)'' over the satirical textbook's nude depictions of the nine U.S. Supreme Court justices.
"I've been a librarian for 40 years and this is the only book I've objected to so strongly that I wouldn't allow it to circulate,'' said Robert Willits, director of the Jackson-George Regional Library System of eight libraries in Jackson and George
"We're not an adult bookstore. Our entire collection is open to the entire public,'' Willits said. "If they had published the book without that one picture, that one page, we'd have the book.''
The book by Stewart and the writers of "The Daily Show,'' the Comedy Central fake-news program he hosts, was released in September. It has spent 15 weeks on The New York Times best seller list for hardcover nonfiction, and was named Book of the
Year by Publishers Weekly, the industry trade magazine.
Former English teacher Tara Skelton of Ocean Springs said the libraries shouldn't decide what is in poor taste.
"It just really seemed kind of silly to me,'' she said. "I don't think the Supreme Court justices have filed any defamation of character or libel suits. It's humor.''

There is not a single person in the world that would think that the picture in question is the least bit erotic - its meant to be funny!!! Amazing to me that this is such a big deal. People have to invent controversy where none exists, i suppose!


Update From AOL :

Mississippi Libraries Put 'America' Back on Shelves
Board Reverses Ban on Jon Stewart's Book


I guess it wasn't such a big deal to them after all!