Monday, January 24, 2005

democratic agenda

From The Left Coaster :

Senate Democrats Lay Out Opposition Agenda This Morning
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid will do something this morning that an opposition party is supposed to do: Senate Democrats stopped playing defense and will begin playing offense by setting forward an ambitious agenda of their own. In a conference call earlier this morning, Reid’s staff announced their top ten priority bills
for the 109th Congress, and they address many of the needs accumulated by this country but ignored by the White House the GOP Congress under Bill Frist and Denny Hastert.
Some of these priorities are:
Senate Bill 11 will address our troop strength problems brought about by George W. Bush’s foreign policy and backdoor draft.
Senate Bill 12 establishes four interlocking pillars necessary to wage an effective war on terrorism
Senate Bill 13 addresses Bush’s abandonment of our veterans by ensuring all veterans get the health care they deserve by 2006
Senate Bill 14 lays out an ambitious list of measures to deal with economic opportunity
Senate Bill 15 deals with education by strengthening Head Start and child care programs;
Senate Bill 16 deals with health care
Senate 17 deals with voting reform
Senate Bill 18 deals with Medicare
Senate Bill 19 is the Fiscal Responsibility for a Sound Future Act
Senate Bill 20 deals with reducing unintended pregnancies and reduces abortions through increasing access to family planning services


Wow! Positive ideas and agendas! Thank goodness some people are fighting and trying to keep America from being destroyed! Can we dare to hope that we have a chance?!
1-27-05 - A follow up from Boston.comNews :
The Republican Agenda:

Item one on the list is Bush's plan to partially privatize Social Security for younger workers;
Other Senate Republican priorities include:
making the recent rounds of tax cuts permanent,
limiting the scope of class-action lawsuits, ...
outlawing the transportation of a minor across state lines with the purpose of skirting state laws requiring parental consent to have an abortion....
approve a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

Let's see, which agenda actually will HELP America and its people? Hmmm....Interesting to see the different priorities.