Monday, November 01, 2004

Interesting Point

The question about the missing explosives shouldn't be "why are we talking about something that happened last year?", it should be "why didn't we hear about it last year?"!

From :

Here's the transcript of a great piece from All Things Considered the other day on the Bush Administration's obsession with secrecy :
Today the Wall Street Journal editorial page expressed their suspicions about why the loss of 380 tons of explosives in Iraq, missing since last December, should come to light barely a week before the election. One might also express suspicion about why the missing explosives should be have been kept secret. The Administration obviously has reason to keep bad news under wraps in this tense pre-election period.
Some bad news they can't do anything about, like higher fuel prices and lower stock prices. But it can hold its own secrets close to its chest, until that is, someone inside is motivated to blow the whistle.

Last year, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld wrote in an internal memo that the Administration has no way of knowing whether it's winning the war on terror and he predicted a "long, hard slog" in Afghanistan and Iraq. The Administration's gloomy assessment became known only after someone leaked it to USA Today.

Lt. General Ricardo Sanchez, former top commander in Iraq, wrote in a memo last winter that the supply situation was so poor that it threatened his forces' ability to fight. Sanchez was replaced last summer. The memo leaked to the Washington Post last week.

The Administration, which has been scoffing at Senator Kerry's talk of a long war costing $200 billion, is considering after the election asking for $70 billion more for Afghanistan and Iraq. That would raise the total to $225 billion. Somebody leaked that to the Washington Post.

Election or not, the Administration seems unable to keep the lid on all its secrets. One can only wonder what things the public should know that it doesn't know yet. Like I've said in the past, if the Bushies want people to give them the benefit of the doubt, they should stop acting in a way that makes people assume the worst.